
Jay Lohokare

Software developer & Product Manager
Tech-entreprenuer, Music Lover, Guitarist & Foodie


I'm Jay Lohokare, a Product-focused Software / ML Engineer working with Robinhood as a Senior Software Engineer

I love exploring new technology domains, building innovative products & applications. You will often find me traveling the world attending conferences, events, hackathons, and meetups!

Interests & Research

My research has been published in over 10 top IEEE/ACM conferences, and I have won 16 hackathons over 3 continents.
I continue pursuing my research interests in 'AI at scale' via collaborations and as an independent researcher. I actively work with COEP (my undergrad university) as a guide for BTech projects and research.

I was a part of Professor Fan Ye's research group at the ECE MOCA lab and Professor Fusheng Wang's research group at the Biomedical Big data analytics lab while pursuing my Masters in Computer Science at State University Of New York, Stony Brook.

During my undergrad years, I led the formation of IoT lab at College of Engineering Pune and worked with Professor Rahul Adhao for creating IoT solutions.

Startup/Industry experience

I have been a founding member of five startups and I have worked with companies like Robinhood, Google, Amazon, NTT DATA, McKinsey & Co;

I am currently working with Robinhood democratizing finance at world scale.

I have served and worked with various Fortune 500 companies; working in three continents/six countries; across a variety of industries like Cloud/SaaS, Healthcare, FinTech, Consumer electronics, Mining, Energy & Utilities.

Let's connect!

I love visiting new cities/countries trying out new food, music or for hackathons & conferences! My journey of exploring and learning has helped me meet amazing people, visit numerous countries and to experience rich cultures.
I love creating and consuming music. I am a trained Guitarist and can play over 15 music instruments.

You can find all my projects on my Github account and presentations on Slideshare. Have a look at my Blog where I share my experiences, opinions and thoughts!

I am a strong advocate of mentorship - I proactively work on guiding, working with and making right opportunities available to my juniors, colleagues and anyone looking to grow together!

Want to chat about tech / entreprenuership / travel / music? Drop me an email at

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